Effects of Victim Blaming, Trauma Responses and Why Stigma Around Abuse Still Exists with Dr Jessica Taylor - podcast

Effects of Victim Blaming, Trauma Responses and Why Stigma Around Abuse Still Exists with Dr Jessica Taylor - podcast

Effects of Victim Blaming, Trauma Responses and Why Stigma Around Abuse Still Exists with Dr Jessica Taylor - podcast

May 25, 2022

Effects of Victim Blaming, Trauma Responses and Why Stigma Around Abuse Still Exists with Dr Jessica Taylor - podcast

Podcast with Dr Jessica Taylor, who is the author of many books, including Why Women are Blamed for Everything, and Sexy but Psycho.

She is also a chartered psychologist, researcher, consultant, speaker and activist. In 2017, Jessica founded Victim Focus, to eradicate victim blaming, and to move large systems towards trauma informed anti blaming anti oppressive ways of working with humans when they are most in need.

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