SHERA Training

SHERA Training

SHERA Training

June 20, 2024

What people we work with say about SHERA

It takes an incredible amount of determination and energy to do what you do every day, in all the different spheres you work in. I find that so impressive, and I know there are so many silenced people out there who are very grateful to you. I really like how you put the vulnerable at the heart of everything you do. It's how things should be.

C., 2024.

Having spent almost a decade of my life (so far) escaping a controlling partner who weaponised the family courts, I found the content very relevant and true to life. As a GP, I found the content very helpful in understanding the broader scale of the problems and the impact on women's health.

A., 2024


SHERA offers a range of bespoke training packages and short courses based on world-leading research from our 40+ global experts.

We provide training and short courses in the following areas and more, tailored to your requirements, which can be delivered via distance learning at a level and pace that matches your needs:

Post separation abuse

Court and Perpetrator Induced Trauma (CPIT): see

Full article: Health-related experiences of family court and domestic abuse in England: A looming public health crisis (

Full article: ‘Swim, swim and die at the beach’: family court and perpetrator induced trauma (CPIT) experiences of mothers in Brazil (

Understanding Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control (UK focussed)

Understanding Domestic Violence and Coercive Control (Global perspectives)

Family Courts, health and rights: Women and Children (UK and Global)

Women and Girl's Health

Maternal Health

Child Sexual Abuse and Family Courts

Challenging Gender-Based-Violence

Reducing the sexualisation of children and young people

Please get in touch to find out more and let us know what your requirements are.


We can help you to break cycles of abuse by training you and your team to understand a wide ranges of issues which impact women and children, using a unique multi-disciplinary approach with experts based in Law, Health, Human Rights, Social Care, Economics, Teaching, Gender Based Violence and Domestic Abuse Organisations from across the globe.

When women and children report abuse, this is often after years of suffering in silence. When they are able to report it, the abuse is often minimised and victim-survivors are frequently disbelieved and victim-blamed for the abuse. The perpetrators of abuse are rarely held accountable for their actions. At SHERA we want to change this, by training the next generation of professionals to See Hear Empower Respond and Act appropriately. It’s estimated that 736 million women have experienced physical or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime. Women and girls face such levels of violence and abuse, that the United Nations has pledged to bring gender equality to the world by 2030. We too want to see a world where all people are treated fairly and equally, with peaceful, just and strong institutions, increased health and well-being for all and equality for all. All of our training aligns with these United Nations Sustainability Goals, whilst being tailored to the specific needs of individuals, contexts and organisations by incorporating a unique, Multi-Disciplinary and Place-Based-Approach.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

If for any reason we are unable to provide what you are looking for, we can also help signpost you to existing training and resources with other organisations.

We can also develop additional project-based work for maximum relevance.

To access free open access courses from The University of Manchester click here.

If you are interested in pursuing a Masters in Public Health, featuring a dedicated module on Global Women's Health, which includes a week exploring violence against women and girls and a week exploring family court and systems abuse, click here to find out more.


SHERA is currently leading ground breaking global research in women and children's health. We are also constantly developing new projects, which you can find out more about in our 'Latest News' section.

We also offer flexible study research opportunities for those wishing to offer develop a research career at Masters or PhD level in areas relating to women's health, violence against women and children / girls and family court.

To find out more email us at:

Share your story with us and/or find out about membership today!

We welcome input from a wide field of expertise including experts by experience victim-survivors. Get in touch if you would like to contribute.