The National Health Council (CNS) Brazil Recommended Reading 'Parental Alienation' belief system harms women and children

The National Health Council (CNS) Brazil Recommended Reading 'Parental Alienation' belief system harms women and children

The National Health Council (CNS) Brazil Recommended Reading 'Parental Alienation' belief system harms women & children

May 25, 2022
According to Vanja dos Santos, coordinator of the Intersectoral Commission on Women's Health (Cismu), of the CNS, the use of the term has negatively affected many families. “The term favors abusive parents and abusive husbands being benefited by a term that is not scientific. There is a judgment about women, where, based on the law, justice ends up reproducing the prototype of women in this sexist and patriarchal society,” she said.
According to her, “parental alienation favors violent men and rapists, who fight in court to take away custody of their children from women as a form of revenge,” she explained. Vanja stated that the agenda will also be taken to the National Human Rights Council (CNDH).
For Sibele de Lima Lemos, coordinator of the Voz Materna Childhood Protection Collective, the idea of ​​“parental alienation” serves to “weaken, distort and disqualify the very painful testimonies of those who live the violent and veiled reality of each day”, in addition to “promote the perpetuation of violence”. “The PL needs to be rejected, as it proposes that judges determine psychological or biopsychosocial treatment for those who practice acts of parental alienation. But how to determine healthcare treatment for something that is not a disease or disorder?”, she asks.

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